Please have your daughter dressed in full uniform. We are planning photos indoors, DO NOT WEAR CLEATS. Tennis shoes for indoors only.
Pictures can be viewed/ordered online and will be shipped directly to you.
Opt-in now to receive a text/email once the pictures go online.
From Your Computer...
Code is HFP2023
From Your Cell Phone...
you can text to the # 90738.
In the memo, HFP2023
You may OPT-IN now! You will receive a text saying "Subscribed..."
and will be texted again once images are up-loaded and go live.
You have control of cropping and adding names etc. The PRO designation
uses the borders (templates) on the prints. If you do want the PRO prints,
leave a little more room when cropping.
NEW***Retouching Feature! NEW***
If you would like your images retouched, there is an opportunity at the checkout
page to opt in for retouching ($20 per image).
BUDDY pictures will be permitted.
Please place orders within 2 weeks from photo date.